Wednesday, November 19, 2008

You Always Get More Than You Expect!

I was trying to print an advertisement for the Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus for Grayson and Seth. The first copy came out and the colors were a little washed out but I figured that it was as good as the color would get. Then when I tried to print again, it jammed. It jammed over and over and I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I finally said to Grayson that I would only try one more time and then give up if it didn't work. And then it worked! It did not jam! Not only that, but the colors were perfect! I looked at Grayson in amazement and he said, "You always get more than you expect." I asked him what he meant. "Well," he said, "when you pray, you always get more than you expect. I prayed that the printer would work and it didn't jam AND the color was fixed too!"
(Grayson-age 9)